Best tips for weight loss

                                         How to Lose Weight Fast 

Being overweight is one of the most common problems in the modern era. As per a study by the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults were overweight. Of these, a staggering 650 million were obese. It is no surprise that being overweight can lead to several health risks and adverse effects.
For example, diabetes, heart ailments, sleep apnea, stroke and gallbladder diseases are the most common. That makes obesity one of the most concerning and severe issues globally. However, the good part is that people have started taking it seriously due to growing awareness and information. However, the most common question that concerns a colossal population is how to lose weight fast.

Various factors, including your diet, lifestyle, stress levels, medical conditions, etc., impact your body weight. Furthermore, factors like age, gender etc., define your optimum body weight. Although losing weight can sound very challenging, following the right practices can make the task easier for you. However, if you wish to shed those extra pounds, don’t go for weight loss plans that promise fast weight loss.

The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Weight

The benefits of maintaining a healthy body weight are immense. For starters, it can be as simple as making you feel better and more confident about yourself.

In addition, you will have more energy in reserve to function better and improve your health further. Healthy body weight also ensures the proper functioning of your circulatory system.

It also helps manage your fluid levels better. Besides these common benefits, a healthy weight prevents you from diseases that come with excess body weight.

These include reduced risk of diabetes, cancers, arthritis, gallstones, asthma, infertility, snoring and sleep apnea.

Effective Ways to Lose Weight Fast with Exercise

There are two primary ways to lose weight. They are good physical activity and diet. When done together, these deliver better results. 

Physical Activity

A big reason for the current crisis of being overweight is insufficient physical activity. The leading cause of this is the sedentary nature of most occupations.

Doing sufficient physical activity ensures that calories  burn and the weight remains under control. You can do different kinds of physical activities to lose weight. These include:

  • Yoga
  • Zumba 
  • Weight training
  • Bodyweight movements
  • Jogging
  • Running
  • Swimming

All these physical activities help you burn calories. You can choose any form of physical activity if your goal is to lose weight fast. However, what matters is consistency. If you perform any of these physical activities over a long period, the results will come.

Best Diet Plans

It is possible to lose weight by just making a few modifications to your diet. If you want to lose weight, the game is all about the calories you take in and the calories you burn. When you limit the number of calories you take in, your body has to search for other ways to produce energy.

So, if you are at a calorie deficit or eating fewer calories with balanced nutrition than you used to, you are well on your way to losing weight. Your body will now use the existing fat to release the energy needed to perform day to day functions. Over time, this will help you shed body fat and lose weight.

Modified Food Plans to Lose Weight Fast

Although several food plans can help you lose weight, some of these can help speed up your weight loss journey. However, it is best to seek an expert’s assistance while following any of these modified food plans. That is because everybody is different, and their bodies have different demands.

In addition, a healthy weight loss journey demands customized plans that are specially created as per various factors, including your age, gender, body type, needs, medical conditions etc. Below are some common weight-loss food plans that can help you lose weight.

Conventional Hypocaloric Diets (Calorie-Deficit Food Plans)

It is one of the most common and efficient ways to lose weight. Studies  suggest that traditional hypocaloric diets typically aim at reducing daily energy intake by 500–750 kcal. The recommended calorie intake for the energy restriction happens by diets of 1200–1500 kcal/d for females and 1500–1800 kcal/d for males.

The idea is to consume fewer calories so that the body can use excess fat and use it as an alternate source of energy. In the process, you start burning more fat for energy, ultimately leading to weight loss.

Reducing daily energy intake by 400–500 kcal can lead to a modest weight loss of approximately 0.5 kg per week or 2 kg per month. However, research shows that such weight loss is usually seen only in the first months because the rate of weight loss can slow down due to hormonal adaptations resisting weight loss.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is when you fast and eat in cycles. There are two popular methods of intermittent fasting. One is using the 16/8 rule. You limit your calorie intake to 8 hours per day in this scenario. Whatever you want to eat, you must eat it in those 8 hours only. The remaining 16 hours are for fasting.

Another popular method is the 5:2 method. You need to take as little as 500-600 calories per day twice a week per this method. In both methods healthy meals and moderate activity improves weight loss.

Intermittent fasting is safe. Most healthy adults can do it. Evidence suggests that intermittent fasting can reduce weight by 0.8-13% when done consistently and adequately.

Another conclusive study shows that intermittent fasting could improve fat burn rate while maintaining muscle mass. Further studies in the field suggest that the benefits of intermittent fasting are immense. These include increased insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation and anti-ageing effects.

Plant Based Diets

It involves limiting food intake to just plant-based products. Veganism is a popular version of this type. It eliminates even dairy products from the diet. Other benefits of a plant-based diet include reduced risk of illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. 

However, plant-based diets have some downsides too. The most important is that the body loses essential nutrition from animal products. Iron, vitamin 12, vitamin D, calcium, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids are some important ones, so experts can help here to plan a diet wisely.

Low Carbohydrate Diets

Low carbohydrate diets are the most popular ones adopted for losing weight. They are helpful because they limit carbs consumption. At the same time, they substitute the lost carbohydrate for protein.

When the carbohydrate content in the diet goes very low, the body starts using fatty acids for energy requirements. The fatty acids get converted into ketones. 

Evidence suggests that a low carbohydrate diet is even more effective than a low-fat diet for reducing weight. However, a possible downside is that it can cause digestion problems in some people.

Paleo Diet

A paleo diet essentially advocates eating whole foods, fruits and vegetables. It forbids the consumption of processed foods, sugars and grains. Paleo diet proponents effectively support eating a diet similar to our hunter ancestors.

Various studies   prove that paleo diets can help reduce weight. In addition to reducing weight and belly circumference, a paleo diet can also have other benefits. These include lowering high blood pressure, cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels.

Low-Fat Diets

A low -Fat diet essentially means that you have to reduce your fat intake to 20-30% of your total calorie intake of the day. However, this is because fats have double the number of calories per gram compared to proteins and carbohydrates. So, a low-fat diet limits calorie intake and hence helps in reducing weight. 

A possible downside of a low-fat diet is that restricting too much fat can lead to many health problems. Fats are responsible for hormone production, cell health and nutrient absorption in the body. You may inhibit these processes if fats reduce beyond a certain level. 

Other Tips to Lose Weight Fast

Chew Slowly and Thoroughly

A review of many studies   showed that people who eat fast are more likely to gain weight than people who eat relatively slowly. It is because chewing food thoroughly leads to slower eating. As a result, it leads to increased fullness and small portion size.  

Use Smaller Plates

Intuitively, using a smaller plate for unhealthy food will help you lose weight fast. Research has shown that a giant plate can make look servings smaller than they are. A smaller plate will prevent you from eating unhealthy stuff in large quantities. You can further extend it to using bigger plates for healthy foods. 

Increase Protein Intake

Recent research shows that eating protein can reduce hunger and increase the feeling of fullness. It helps you reduce overall calorie intake and is a practical and effective way to lose weight fast. Examples of protein-rich foods include fish, Greek yoghurt, lentils and almonds.

Drink More Water

Replace sugary and calorie-loaded drinks with water. Drinking water 30 minutes before a meal can help you reduce weight by decreasing calorie intake. Recent research shows that people who drink water 30 minutes before their meals can have a 44% greater decrease in weight than those who do not.

Sleep Well

Good sleeping habits can go a long way in helping you lose weight. Lack of sleep is associated with hormones like leptin and ghrelin. These hormones increase cravings for unhealthy foods and contribute to increasing weight. Sound sleep also helps in preventing chronic conditions like diabetes.

Some Foods that Help Lose Weight Fast

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is mostly protein. As a result, it is a satiating food. It reduces overall calorie intake. At the same time, cottage cheese is high in calcium. Protein in cottage cheese also helps in muscle building and maintenance. 


Soup generally is eaten slowly. However, if you have it with lots of vegetables, it can become very healthy also at the same time. Eating slowly and mindfully has been proven to help prevent past eating fullness.

Research also shows that incorporating a vegetable soup before your meal can make you feel more satisfied and thus help in reducing weight.


Studies have shown that people who eat nuts lose weight faster than those who do not. They are high in protein and fiber content and give a satiating feeling. Another health benefit of nuts includes improved metabolic health.

Whole Grains

Examples of whole grains include quinoa, oats and brown rice. Their effectiveness is the same: a satiating feeling that helps in feeling full. It reduces hunger and, as a result, fewer calorie intake. They are also a good source of fiber and micronutrients.

Chia Seeds

chia seeds contain high amounts of fiber. Because of this, they turn into a gel-like substance in the stomach and give a feeling of satiety. Therefore, it can be eaten like a snack when coupled with yoghurt. Further, a study proves that the omega -3 fatty acids in chia seeds can also help overall weight management. 


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